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Feb 2023

New Friends for Redland and Montpelier Stations

A new station adoption group has recently formed, providing community support for Redland & Montpellier stations on the Severn Beach Railway line.

The group is headed up by local resident Ann Light, who herself is no stranger to Community Rail.  Ann previously volunteered at stations along the Heart of Wessex line.  With support from Severnside Community Rail Partnership’s Community Development Officer Faye Keane, the group have received a safety briefing from GWR, formally adopted the two stations, and become members of the Community Rail Network

Ann Light in action at Redland Station

The group has already been busy doing the planters of the edible varieties – both stations have the metal containers rather than the wooden planters, which are now in need of much tender loving care and reviving and the group are still looking at volunteers to help out with these.  Both stations would welcome more volunteers.  At Montpelier there is a little garden area which has been worked on and a bush trimmed and weeds pulled out and other plants tidied up – the plan is to plant some more bushes (probably high yield and low maintenance) and this will help look enhance the area

The stations have also benefitted from a Network Rail staff volunteer day to clean community street art murals which had sadly been tagged.

Redland and Montpelier station are just a two-minute train journey or five minute walk apart but serve different communities.  With the new half hourly service, the stations are well used, and the station buildings are currently both occupied with businesses – Montpelier station has a period fireplace business and Redland station has an upholstery business – both of which allow station volunteers use their facilities if working parties are there for a while and this is much appreciated.

Facebook pages have been set up for each station , please give them a follow for any news and updates -: Montpelier station is Friends of Montpelier Station – FoMont | Bristol | Facebook and Redland station is Friends of Redland Station Bristol – FoRed | Bristol | Facebook

The group always welcome ideas, suggestions, visitors and volunteers